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Composer and choral conductor Pärt Uusberg (b. 1986) graduated from Georg Ots Tallinn Music School in choral conducting under Heli Jürgenson, where he also studied composition with Alo Põldmäe and Galina Grigorjeva. In 2012, Uusberg obtained a BA in composition from the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre as a student of Tõnu Kõrvits. In 2014, he completed his master’s studies under Toivo Tulev and Tõnu Kõrvits. In 2008, Uusberg founded a chamber choir Head Ööd, Vend in order to take part in the play Head ööd, vend (Good night, brother) directed by his brother Uku Uusberg. Since then, the choir has been active in Estonia and abroad as well as gained recognition at several competitions in Estonia including Grand Prix at the International Choir Festival Tallinn 2013. In 2019, Uusberg won the VII Competition for Youth Choir Conductors.
The main part of Pärt Uusberg’s oeuvre is formed by choral music, but he has also written works for ensemble, piano, orchestra and film music. His choral songs have mainly been written on liturgical texts or poetry by Estonian authors. Their well-sounding and meditative atmosphere is captivating with its simplicity, tenderness and emotional climaxes. Uusberg has been acknowledged as a composer both in Estonia and abroad. In 2010, his Psalm of David No. 121 won the composition competition David’s Song of Estonian Composers’ Union and Pirita Monastery. The same year, his piano piece Paradiis (Paradise) was selected for the programme of World New Music Days in Sydney. In 2012, his song Kuule mu palve häält (Listen to my cry) garnered the special prize at the European Award for Choral Composers 2012. The Estonian Choral Association has twice given him the award of Choral Composer of the Year (2012, 2018) and his own album Liiv, meri ning mõtted was ascribed the title of Choir Album of the Year 2014. In 2016, he won The Young Cultural Figure Award of the Cultural Foundation of the President of the Republic of Estonia. Uusberg’s choral music has also reached the programmes of Estonian Song Festivals. Edition Talmar & Põhi has published Pärt Uusberg’s author’s compendium Songs for Mixed Choir (2010) and he has released four albums: Siis vaikivad kõik mõtted (All Thoughts Will Be Silent Then, 2009), Liiv, meri ning mõtted (2014), Õhtu ilu (2016) and Luiged läevad (2016). (Estonian Music Information Centre)