26.04.–05.05.2024 / Tartu
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Estonian Music Days
Tallinn / Tartu
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Estonian Music Days
Tallinn / Tartu
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Estonian Music Days
Tallinn / Tartu
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Estonian Music Days
Tallinn / Tartu
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Estonian Music Days
Tallinn / Tartu
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Estonian Music Days
Tallinn / Tartu

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Evelin Seppar

Evelin Seppar (b. 1986) is currently living and working in Tallinn, Estonia. She has written for solo instruments, various ensembles, solo voice, choir and orchestra. She has studied at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (Rene Eespere, Toivo Tulev, Helena Tulve) and at the Academy of Music of Drama, University of Gothenburg (Ole Lützow-Holm). Evelin has been receiving an increasing number of performances around the world with groups like the SWR Vokalensemble, Netherlands Chamber Choir, Norwegian Soloists’ Choir, Latvian Radio Choir, Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra and others. Her music has been performed in Europe, China, Australia and the U.S.

