26.04.–05.05.2024 / Tartu
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Estonian Music Days
Tallinn / Tartu
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Estonian Music Days
Tallinn / Tartu
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Estonian Music Days
Tallinn / Tartu
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Estonian Music Days
Tallinn / Tartu
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Estonian Music Days
Tallinn / Tartu
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Estonian Music Days
Tallinn / Tartu

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Cyberstudio is a multidisciplinary ensemble that is focused on performing music by contemporary Estonian and foreign authors, especially those related to IRCAM. The main attention is paid to premieres of works commissioned from Estonian composers, where flute and electronics have the central place. The ensemble’s main idea is synthesis of multimedia, acoustic and electro-acoustic music with other fields of arts, thereby creating new environments in which different means of expression complement and support each other. Thus the light, video, paintings, dance, film, literature and others are roped in Cyberstudio’s projects. The ensemble grew out of the flautist Monika Mattiesen’s recitals, where the important part was that performed works had to be related to the surrounding room’s acoustic and visual plan. The first electro-acoustical concert took place at the festival Flutish Kingdom in Tallinn (2000). Since then, light designers, video artists, dramaturgs, dancers, actors and specialists of electronic music have become Mattiesen’s ensemble partners.

Cyberstudio has performed music by many leading new music composers like John Cage, Pierre Jodlowski, Kaija Saariaho, Philippe Manoury, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Brian Eno and many others. Cyberstudio has given first performances of works by Estonian composers like Märt-Matis Lill, Margo Kõlar, Toivo Tulev, Timo Steiner, Helena Tulve, Mart Siimer, Jüri Reinvere, Tõnis Kaumann and Monika Mattiesen, and has collaborated with composers Erkki-Sven Tüür, Tõnu Kõrvits and Mirjam Tally. Besides the intensive concert activity in Estonia, Cyberstudio has performed in Finland, Poland, Germany, France, Greece and USA. One of the largest projects has been concerts in Tartu’s St. John’s Church at the Estonian Young Composers’ Festival in 20002004 during the church’s restoration.
