26.04.–05.05.2024 / Tartu
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Estonian Music Days
Tallinn / Tartu
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Estonian Music Days
Tallinn / Tartu
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Estonian Music Days
Tallinn / Tartu
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Estonian Music Days
Tallinn / Tartu
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Estonian Music Days
Tallinn / Tartu
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Estonian Music Days
Tallinn / Tartu

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Markus Robam

Markus Robam (b. 1991) is an Estonian composer whose music has been performed in theatre productions, television, movies and documentaries. Robam has graduated from the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre in audiovisual composition and he has furthered his skills in master classes in Italy, USA and Spain under renowned (film music) composers. He has been nominated for the Estonian Theatre Association Awards for his musical design and original music in 2019, 2022 and 2023. At the Estonian Film and Television Awards he was nominated as best film music composer of 2023 for his music for the film Pätt või pühak (Thug or Saint). His works have been performed in international festivals in Italy, Denmark and Germany. As an actor he has participated in the musical Kevadine ärkamine (Spring Awakening) at the Estonian Theatre for Young Audiences; he has also appeared as an actor in movies and TV series.
