26.04.–05.05.2024 / Tartu

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Paul Beaudoin

Paul Beaudoin, a former Fulbright Scholar, made Estonia his home in 2018 and is an internationally recognised artist in music, painting and video, and a prominent member of the ‘wandelweiser’ collective. His art, known for its expressive lyricism, challenges the quick-paced nature of modern life. Paul has published numerous works on American avant-garde artists and a notable essay of his on Estonian sound poet Ilmar Laaban was recently published by the University of California Press. He is currently recording a new album featuring music for solo clarinet by composers Antoine Beuger, Dante Boon and Jukka-Pekka Kervinen, as well as a new piece of his own. Through these endeavours, Paul continues to explore the boundaries of sound and silence, contributing profoundly to contemporary music and art.

Photo: D. Rappu
