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Address Pikk 20, Tallinn
Kanuti Gildi SAAL co-organized 230 events/shows, from which 170 were held in local venues (including Estonian National Opera, Narva, Kopli). 21 of our co-productions were presented in 14 different countries, 18 guest-performances in Estonia and last but not least 12 new productions premiered at our home-venue, which is the same amount of artists who were in residency at our venue at the same time. Besides that we were responsible for 14 various international artists or groups performing in Estonia. NU Performance Festival, Freiraum 1 Tallinn event series and LAT.EST festival took also place.
This all means that our collective and venue worked at full throttle. We thank all the partners and volunteers! Kanuti Gildi SAAL is active, intriguing and clearly the most international performing arts centre in Estonia.