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Karl Erik Laas (b. 1999) studied cello in the Tallinn Music High School (Mart Laas’s class) and is currently studying for a Master’s degree in sound engineering at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (prof. Margo Kõlar’s class). He has furthered his education in the field of composition under the supervision of Tauno Aints and Rene Eespere, and in sound engineering by doing an internship at the Norwegian Academy of Music. Laas works closely with Ensemble for New Music Tallinn, a recognized name in the contemporary classical music scene in Estonia and across Europe; he also collaborates with many other contemporary music artists and composers. For several years, Laas has been the sound producer of Commute, a festival of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre focusing on sound, visual and music technology. From 2022 he works as a senior sound technician at Tallinn City Theatre.
Photo: Silver Gutmann