Tallinn Chamber Orchestra
Age Juurikas – piano
Riivo Kallasmaa – oboe
Andres Kaljuste – viola
Conductor Andres Kaljuste
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Changing Earth
Anna-Margret Noorhani (*1999) – 5h du matin for solo viola (2020, premiere)
performed by Andres Kaljuste
Märt-Matis Lill (*1975) – Raudi, raudi for oboe and chamber orchestra (2020, premiere)
soloist Riivo Kallasmaa
Riho Esko Maimets (*1988) – Two Pieces for strings (2020, premiere)
Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes (*1977) – Blow Your House Down, concerto for piano and chamber orchestra (2020, premiere)
soloist Age Juurikas
The Estonian Music Days introduces one of the top collectives in Estonia – the Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, conducted by a remarkably diverse musician – conductor, violinist and viola player Andres Kaljuste. The new concert pieces have been composed by Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes and Märt-Matis Lill, and will be performed by young yet already established soloists – pianist Age Juurikas and oboist Riivo Kallasmaa. The author of the brand new piece for string orchestra is the young Canadian-born but internationally active composer Riho Esko Maimets. Andres Kaljuste will perform Anna-Margret Noorhani’s solo piece for viola.
The pieces were composed for last year’s Estonian Music Days, but due to the extraordinary situation, they will premiere this year.
the festival Event survey
Live broadcast by EMP TV & Klassikaraadio.