Synaesthesis (Lithuania)
Dainius Peseckas – violin
Diemantė Merkevičiūtė – violin
Monika Kiknadzė – viola
Arnas Kmieliauskas – cello
Vytenis Gurstis – flute
Artūras Kažimėkas – clarinet
Marta Finkelštein – piano, artistic director
Karolis Variakojis -conductor, musical director
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Baltic Sense
Elis Hallik (*1986, Estonia) – Some Paths Will Always Lead Through the Shadows for two violins, viola, cello, piano, flute, clarinet (2021, premiere)
Diana Čemerytė (*1974, Lithuania) – Meine Seele wartet… After Listening to Bach for flute, clarinet, violin, viola, cello, piano (2020)
Žibuoklė Martinaitytė (*1973, Lithuania) – Solastalgia for clarinet, piano, violin, viola, cello (2020)
Beat Furrer (*1954, Austria) – Spur for string quartet and piano (1998)
Evija Skuķe (*1992, Latvia) – Locust. Beauty of Destruction for string quartet (2015/2017)
Régis Campo (*1968, France) – Pop Art for violin, viola, cello, piano, flute, clarinet (2002)
Ensemble Synaesthesis consists of talented Lithuanian musicians of the younger generation with a mission to perform and introduce works by experimental and bold composers from Lithuania and other countries. This time, the ensemble presents the programme titled Baltic Sense. This is an ongoing project with changing musical content that represents the ensemble’s wish to connect to the Baltic region and explore the similarities and differences derived from our geography, history and cultural peculiarities. The title was first introduced in London in 2020 at a concert celebrating the 30 the anniversary of the restoration of Lithuanian independence, with pieces by Pēteris Vasks, Arvo Pärt, Bronius Kutavičius and Ramūnas Motiekaitis. For this edition of the project, Synaesthesis is presenting a programme that focuses on the younger generation of Baltic composers – Elis Hallik, Diana Čemeryte, Žibuoklė Martinaitytė, Evija Skuke. In addition, the programme includes two composers from more distant countries who nonetheless tickle our Baltic imagination – Beat Furrer and Regis Campo. With Baltic Sense, ensemble Synaesthesis is launching a cultural dialogue to find common ground for various musical performances, production and display projects.
the festival Event survey
The concert is recorded by LRT Klasika (Lithuania).