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Ardo Ran Varres (b. 1974) is a composer who is writing music predominantly for film and theatre. He writes also concert music.
Having received education in both music and theatre, the composer has combined in himself the roles of a musician, actor, composer, sound engineer and music designer.
One of his strongest sides as a composer is his understanding of dramaturgy and translating its meaning skillfully to the language of sound. Varres has written original music for tens of stage plays, documentary and feature films.
He has received widespread acclaim for his music for modern dance productions. Ardo Ran’s writing is of a wide specter, stretching from memorable melodies to experimental sound sceneries. In addition to composing for well-known instruments, he takes different kinds of sound recordings of nature and artificial environment and manipulates them digitally to provide ground material for his music.
Ardo Ran Varres’s music has gained recognition by several awards:
2003 Estonian Authors’ Society Year Award for music in drama theatre
2008 Estonian Authors’ Society Award for music in the stage play “Võluõunad” [Magic Apples]
2009 Award for musical directing in the stage play “Lõputu kohvijoomine” [Endless coffee drinking] at festival Drama 2009
2010 Estonian Theatre Union Special Award for the dance performance “Kevade” [Spring]
2016 Theatre Award of the Union of Estonian Theatre Researchers and Critics
2016 Annual Prize of Estonian Theatre for music to Tallinn City Theatre’s production “Krabat”
Source: www.ardoranvarres.com